Tuesday, October 7, 2008
TNC 355
MP232: 0 (data transfer mode)
MP71: 515 (character for program start and end)
MP222: 104 (data format)
TNC 155
MP232: 0 (data transfer mode)
MP71: 515 (character for program start and end)
MP222: 104 (data format)
TNC 150
MP92: 1(multi function)
MP71: 3(character for program start and end)
Baud rate: 2400
TNC 415 B
MP 5200.1: 2 (External device)
MP 5201.1: 3 (External device)
MP 5020.1: 104
MP 5030.1: 0
TNC 425
MP 5200.1: 2 (External device)
MP 5201.1: 3 (External device)
MP 5020.1: 104
MP 5030.1: 0
TNC 2500
MP 5020: 100(data format)
MP 5030: 0 (standard interface)
TNC 407
MP 5200.1: 2 (External device)
MP 5201.1: 3 (External device)
MP 5020.1: 104
MP 5030.1: 0
The following parameter to be set in the parameter #42
To get the parameter #42 follow the following procedure.
Press Parameter -> Configure -> Control direct -> Enter parameter no. 42
Baud rate= 15(19200 baud rate)
Word length= 1(7 Data bits)
Parity= 3(Even)
Stop bits= 0(One)
Protocol= 0(Hardware)
Friday, September 5, 2008
A Circle Milling Custom Macro
by Steven Andrews of H & L Tooling
• #101=30.0(X CENTRE)
• #102=30.0(Y CENTRE)
• #103=0.0
• #104=30.0(DEPTH OF HOLE)
• #105=50.0(DIA OF HOLE)
• #106=3000(SPNDLE SPEED)
• #107=500.0(FEED)
• #108=10(TOOL POS)
• #110=20.0(DEPTH OF CUT)
• G00G91G28Z0.0
• G91G28X0.0Y0.0
• T#108M06
• G00G90G54X#101Y#102S#106M03
• G43Z10.0H#108M08
• N1WHILE[-#104LE#103]DO1
• #103=[#103-#110]
• IF[-#104GT#103]GOTO20
• G1Z#103F[#107/3]
• G03X[#101+#105-#100/2]R[[#105-#100]/4]F#107 I-[#105/2-#100/2]J0.0
• X#101R[[#105-#100]/4]
• G00Z10.0
• END1
• N20#103=-#104
• G01Z#103F[#107/3]
• G03X[#101+#105-#100/2]R[[#105-#100]/4]F#107[[#10-#100]/4]
• G00Z10.0 M09
• G00G91G28Z0.0
• G91G28X0.0Y0.0
• M30
courtesy http://www.cncci.com/resources/tips/cicle%20mill.htm
Monday, August 18, 2008
How the heck does G28 work
G28, Fanuc's zero return command, tends to be one of the more misunderstood Fanuc programming words. The zero return position is, of course, the machine's reference position. A light (axis origin light) will come on for each axis that is sent to the zero return position. The zero return position is quite important: most programs begin from this location, most machines require that you (manually) send the machine to this position as part of powering up, and it's a point of reference for fixture offset (machining centers) and geometry offset (turning centers) entries. Admittedly, G28 is among the most complicated programming words. Here we attempt to clear up the confusion.
G28 is a two-step command. In a way, it's like a canned cycle. Two things will happen whenever a G28 is commanded. First the machine will move (at rapid) the axis or axes included in the G28 command to an intermediate position. Then the machine will rapid the axis or axes to the zero return position. At this point the related axis origin light/s will come on. By the way, if you have the single block switch on, you actually have to press the cycle start button twice to complete the G28 command - once for the intermediate position move, and a second time for the move to the zero return position.
The intermediate position is what confuses most people. In absolute mode, which most programmers prefer for general purpose programming, the intermediate position is specified relative to program zero. In incremental mode, it is specified relative to the tool's current position. Maybe the best way to gain an understanding is to give a few examples.
For machining centers:
Consider this command.
* G91 G28 Z0
In step one of G28, the tool will move to an intermediate position that is incrementally nothing (zero) from its current position in Z. In step two, it will go to the zero return position in Z (only). Note that X and Y will not move. For all intents and purposes, we're telling the machine to move the tool straight to its zero return position in Z.
* G91 G28 X0 Y0 Z0
In step one of G28, the tool will move to an intermediate position that is incrementally nothing (zero) from its current position in X, Y, and Z. In step two, it will go to the zero return position in X, Y, and Z (together). For all intents and purposes, we're telling the machine to move the tool straight to its zero return position in X, Y, and Z.
* G91 G28 X0 Y0 Z3.0
In step one of G28, the tool will move to an intermediate position that is incrementally nothing (zero) from its current position in X, Y. But in Z, it will move up three inches. Maybe the tool is in a pocket you need to clear before moving in X and Y. In step two, it will go to the zero return position in X, Y, and Z (together).
Watch out! Here's what can happen in absolute mode. Consider this command.
* G28 X0 Y0 Z0
Assuming the machine is currently in absolute mode (G90), step one of G28 tells the machine to move to the program zero point (probably a crash). Then, in step two, the machine will move to the zero return position (if it still can).
Some programmers don't like to program (ever) in incremental mode. While I don't consider using the incremental mode with G28 to be straying too far from absolute programming, there is a way to stay in the absolute mode when using G28. Consider these commands.
* G90 G00 X1.0 Y1.0 (Rapid to hole position)
* G01 Z-0.5 F5.0 (Drill hole)
* G00 Z0.1 (Rapid out of hole)
* G28 Z0.1 (First, stay right where you are in Z, then go to the zero return position in Z)
While this works, I don't like it. I show it just for the sake of explanation. Essentially, we're looking back in the program to the tools last absolute position so we can include it in the G28 command. Again, this does work, but someday you'll probably change a tool's last position. In this case you better also remember to change the related G28 command or you'll be in for a big surprise!
For turning centers:
Consider this command.
* G28 W0
In step one of G28, the tool will move to an intermediate position that is incrementally nothing (zero) from its current position in Z. In step two, it will go to the zero return position in Z (only). Note that X will not move. For all intents and purposes, we're telling the machine to move the tool straight to its zero return position in Z.
* G28 U0 W0
In step one of G28, the tool will move to an intermediate position that is incrementally nothing (zero) from its current position in X and Z. In step two, it will go to the zero return position in X Z (together). For all intents and purposes, we're telling the machine to move the tool straight to its zero return position in X and Z.
* G28 U3.0 Z0
In step one of G28, the tool will move to an intermediate position that is incrementally nothing (zero) from its current position in Z. But in X, it will increase in diameter by three inches (1.5 inch move). Maybe the tool is below an obstruction (like a tailstock) you need to clear before moving in Z. In step two, it will go to the zero return position in X Z (together).
Watch out! Here's what can happen in absolute mode. Consider this command.
* G28 X0 Z0
Note that now we're commanding G28 in absolute mode. Step one of G28 tells the machine to move to the program zero point (probably a crash). Then, in step two, the machine will move to the zero return position (if it still can).
Some programmers don't like to program (ever) in incremental mode. While I don't consider using the incremental mode for G28 to be straying too far from absolute programming, there is a way to stay in the absolute mode when using G28. Consider these commands.
* G00 X3.2 Z0.005 (Rapid to facing position)
* G01 X-0.06 F0.012 (Face part)
* G00 Z0.1 (Retract in Z)
* X3.2 (Retract in X)
* G28 X3.2 Z0.1 (First, stay right where you are in X and Z, then go to the zero return position in X and Z)
While this works, I don't like it. I show it just for the sake of explanation. Essentially, we're looking back in the program to the tools last absolute position so we can include it in the G28 command. Again, this does work, but someday you'll probably change a tool's last position. In this case you better also remember to change the related G28 command or you'll be in for a big surprise!
What about G53?
Most current model Fanuc and Fanuc-compatible controls allow G53 - movement relative to the zero return position. For machining centers that allow G53, the command
G53 X0 Y0 Z0
will send the machine (at rapid) straight to the zero return position in X, Y, and Z. Unfortunately, older controls do not allow G53. Since G28 works on all Fanuc and Fanuc-compatible controls, most programmers prefer to use the (complicated) G28 command so they can run their programs on all machines their company owns.
courtesy : http://www.cncci.com/resources/tips/how%20g28%20works.htm
In general machine controllers like Haas, Mistubishi, Mazak,supports for macro.
But for most controls, Custom Macro B is an option. It doesn't come standard with the control. However, many machine tool builders include Custom Macro B in the standard package of options they include with the machines they sell, especially if the machine has some special accessory like a probing system.
So how do you tell if a given control has Custom Macro B? One universal way is to perform a simple test in the MDI mode. In the manual data input (MDI) mode, simply enter and execute the command
Remember that most Fanuc controls require that you terminate MDI commands with a semicolon (;). If the control has Custom Macro B, it will execute this command without generating an alarm. If it does not, an alarm will be sounded (something like "unrecognizable address").
Additionally, if the machine has Custom Macro B, you should be able to find a display screen that shows the Custom Macro variables. With Fanuc controls, it will either be in the OFFSET or SETTING display screen pages
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
G code help on Fanuc 15
Here is something you can use with Fanuc series 15 controls that is quite helpful. If you cannot remember the format for the various G codes, the 15 series will give you some help. In the EDIT mode, type G and press INPUT (not insert). The display screen will show you a list of all G codes and their proper format and meanings. You can use the left/right double arrow keys to move up and down the list.
If you want the specific format for a given G code, just type the G code (like G84) and press INPUT. The control will show you the correct format for the G code in question.
Monday, August 4, 2008
NC Technologies is a leading Computer Integrated Manufacturing solutions provider in India happily announces its business tie-up with leading giant CIMCO Integration, Denmark as a authorized distributor having various range of products for Computer integrated manufacturing solutions.
NC Technologies offers CIMCO Integration, Denmark products to its various customers in India.
Recently, NC Technologies offered CIMCO products to M/s MVM Engineers, Chennai. The Product includes DNC Max5, CIMCO Edit Professional & CNC Calc with the advantage of Wi-Fi Shop floor networking. The entire module is offered with affordable price. Small and Medium Enterprises can easily invests on this products to gain more productivity and Return of Investment
DNC Max 5 : is a latest version of most trusted CNC communication software with Client / server architecture having remote request and auto receive features. DNC Max 5 provides end to end functionality designed to make every aspect of CNC communications more reliable and efficient.
- Client server concept to eliminate dedicated pc on shop floor.
- Supports all type of controllers(Mazak, Siemens, Fanuc, Hass, Heidenhein…)
- Hardware compatibility with wired and wireless technologies
- CNC File Compatibility
- Easy of Use and Administration because of Client / Server interface.
- The main advantage of this DNC Max is its extending power to integrate with other modules of CIMCO.
CIMCO Edit 5 Professional: CIMCO Edit 5 is the latest version of the most popular CNC program editor. CIMCO Edit 5 provides a comprehensive set of essential CNC editing tools, including block numbering, math functions, program translate/rotate mirror, file compare and CNC communication. Side-by-Side File Compare (ENHANCED in v5) - our file compare is fast and fully configurable allowing users to choose whether to view differences one line/section at a time or all at once. Our file compare even supports side-by-side printing for offline review. Excellent 3D Mill / 2D Lathe Open-GL Back Plotter (ENHANCED in v5) - plot your 3-Axis Mill and 2-Axis lathe CNC programs inside CIMCO Edit with step and continuous forward and reverse synchronized plotting. Excellent 3D Mill / 2D Lathe Open-GL Back Plotter (ENHANCED in v5) - plot your 3-Axis Mill and 2-Axis lathe CNC programs inside CIMCO Edit with step and continuous forward and reverse synchronized plotting.
CNC Calc v5 : Calculations for CNC-programs can be both hard and time-consuming. They often include complex calculations of for instance intersection- and tangency points. Traditionally these calculations have been performed using calculators and trigonometrical tables.
CIMCO CNC-Calc 2 is a fully featured 2D CAD solution that works inside CIMCO Edit 5. This add-on is a fast and effective solution for solving problems with complex 2D geometry.
CIMCO CNC-Calc 2 has been designed with usability in mind, which makes it easy and fast to draw contours. Its comprehensive functionality ranges from functions such as the plain "horizontal line" to the complex "circle tangent to three elements". It includes advanced trimming options and a simple point and click approach to laying out tool paths and drill cycles.
CIMCO CNC-Calc 2 imports AutoCAD DXF files and generates toolpaths, drill patterns for ISO and Heidenhain conversational programming. Other features include automatic generation of configurable lead in/out containing lines and arcs. CIMCO CNC-Calc 2 has been integrated with CIMCO Edit 5 so it is easy to edit and simulate the generated tool paths. This helps to ensure that the program behaves correctly and to avoid unnecessary use of time and machine resources.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wireless Approval In India for 2.4-2.4835

Wireless Planning Commission of India has stated that low power equipments in the frequency band of 2.4-2.4835 GHz is exempted from license.
IND53 | Use of low power equipments in the frequency band 2.4-2.4835 GHz using a maximum transmitter output power of 1 Watt ( 4 Watts Effective Radiated Power) with spectrum spread of 10 MHz or higher has been exempted from licensing requirement.
Courtesy : www.wpc.dot.gov.in/DocFiles/NFAP-2008_Revised-1906.doc
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Electronic Thermal Compensation (ETC)
This powerful software feature – standard on Haas machine tools – uses a proprietary algorithm to compensate for the expansion and contraction (due to heating and cooling) of each linear axis. The ETC algorithm utilizes a model of the lead screw, and estimates heating of the screw based on the distance traveled and the torque applied to the motor. Heat is represented by a thermal coefficient of expansion, and the axis distance is multiplied by the coefficient to get the amount of correction needed. A real-time clock allows monitoring of in-motion time as well as non-motion time (e.g., lunch, breaks) and compensates accordingly. Our testing shows about a 4 to 1 reduction in the error associated with average lead screw growth. A series of parameters allows this feature to be implemented on each axis of various models, with some room for fine-tuning. Keep in mind that ETC does not correct for: thermal growth due to changes in ambient temperature; growth due to part expansion; or growth due to spindle expansion/retraction.
Setting 103 (CYC START/FH SAME KEY):
When Setting 103 is on, the CYCLE START button functions as the Feed Hold key as well. When CYCLE START is pressed and held in, the machine will run through the program; when it's released, the machine will stop in a feed hold. This gives you much better control when setting up a new program. This feature should be turned off when you're done using it. Setting 103 can be changed while running a program, but it cannot be on when Setting 104 (below) is on.
When running a program in MEM mode, in either the Program or Graphics display, the SINGLE BLOCK key allows you to cycle through the active program one line at a time. Each press of the CYCLE START button will cause one program line to be executed, whether the machine is in operation or you're in Graphics.
Under the same conditions (MEM mode; Program or Graphics display), turning on Setting 104 (JOG HANDL TO SNGL BLK) allows the jog handle to be used for single block execution. Each counterclockwise click of the jog handle will step through a program line, while a clockwise click will cause a feed hold. Setting 104 can be changed while running a program, but it cannot be on when Setting 103 is on.
Advanced Editor:
The Advanced Editor provides the user with a friendly, menu-oriented environment for editing programs, plus it allows viewing of two programs simultaneously. Refer to the Operator's manual for a detailed description.
Helical Motion Enhancement:
Helical motion now includes unrestricted 3rd, 4th, & 5th axis motion. All restrictions on the length(s) of such motion on the third, fourth, and/or fifth axes have been eliminated. This means that the programmed feedrate will be applied to the total distance traveled along all axes of motion. Total distance is calculated from the square root of the sum of squares of the circumferential distance and any/all other axis distances. That is, each axis distance (whether linear or rotary) is squared, the squared values are added up, and the square root of the sum equals the total distance. Rotary axis distance will of course depend on, and will be internally calculated from, the diameters specified in Setting 34 (4th axis diameter) and Setting 79 (5th axis diameter).
Jog Handle Use for Spindle Speed and Feedrate Overrides:
Pressing the HANDLE CONTROL SPINDLE button allows the jog handle to be used for spindle overrides. Turning the jog handle clockwise increases the spindle speed (up to 999%), and turning it counterclockwise will reduce spindle speed (down to 0%). The spindle speed display will blink as it is adjusted. Pressing the HANDLE CONTROL SPINDLE button again turns off this function.
Similarly, the HANDLE CONTROL FEEDRATE button allows the jog handle to be used for feedrate overrides. Again, clockwise motion of the jog handle increases the feedrate (up to 999%), while counterclockwise motion reduces it (down to 0%). The feedrate display will blink as it is adjusted. Pressing the HANDLE CONTROL FEEDRATE button again turns off this function.
Cylindrical Mapping (G107)
This VMC/HMC feature translates all programmed motion along a specific linear axis into the equivalent motion along the surface of a cylinder (i.e., a part chucked or fixtured to any Haas rotary table). A typical example is a cutout on a tube. In this case, the Y axis is converted (or mapped) to the A axis, assuming you have the tube positioned between a rotary table and tailstock along the X axis. In the past, trigonometry or a CAM system was required to calculate these conversions. Now, the Haas control easily converts the linear data for a specified cylinder diameter. The possibilities are endless, beginning with cams, cylindrical dies and general 4th- and 5th-axis work.
Inverse Time Feed Mode (G93)
This VMC/HMC feature specifies that all F (feedrate) values are to be interpreted as "strokes per minute." This is equivalent to saying that the F code value, when DIVIDED INTO 60, is the number of seconds that the motion should take to complete. G93 is generally used in 5-axis work, and sometimes in 4-axis work as well. It's a way of translating the linear (inches/min) feedrate assigned to the program – F30, say – into a value that takes rotary motion into account. When G93 is activated, the F value will tell you how many times per minute the stroke (tool move) can be repeated, based on the linear F value.
Haas has been able to accommodate full 5-axis machining for many years; however, this feature, in conjunction with aftermarket CAM systems and their post-processors, offers even more flexibility and versatility.
COURTESY : www.hasscnc.com
Did You Know ... ?
When in EDIT or MEM mode, you can select another program quickly by simply entering the Onnnn program name you want and pressing the cursor down arrow.
You can output several programs at once to the serial port, in LIST PROG, by typing all the program names together on the input line and pressing SEND.
When you send files to a floppy disk, you must put the highlighted cursor on the program you are saving or on the "ALL." The name entered on the input line is the floppy file name.
You can verify spindle speed by checking the ACT entry on the right-hand side of the Current Commands display.
When you receive (input) a program from a floppy disk or RS-232, a part program must begin and end with a % sign, with nothing else on that line. And after the first % sign, the next line must begin with a letter "O" (not zero) and up to a five-digit program number. You don't need to enter in leading zeros. The Haas control enters in leading zeros for you. The name you enter on the input line is the file name. The file name can be made up of letters or numbers. It is recommended that a file name be eight characters or less and up to a three letter extension (FILENAME.TXT)
You can select an axis for jogging by entering the axis name on the input line and pressing the HANDLE JOG button. This works for the normal X, Y, Z, and A axes as well as the B, C, U, and V auxiliary axes.
Searching for something in a program can be done in either MEM or EDIT mode by entering the address code (A, B, C, etc.) or the address code and value (A1.23), and pressing the down or up cursor arrow. If you enter just the address code and no value, the search will stop at the next use of that letter, regardless of value.
It is not necessary to turn off coolant, stop the spindle, or send the Z axis home prior to a M06 tool change command. The control handles those tasks and in fact, it will be faster – the control will perform some of them simultaneously, although you may want to program in those commands to occur sooner or to be more convenient.
The HELP display has all G and M codes listed. To get to them quickly, press HELP and then the letter C for all earlier control versions. For current control versions, press F1 for G codes and F2 for M codes.
There is an Alarm History command that displays the previous 500 alarms. You can find this by pressing the right cursor arrow when you're in the Alarm display. Press the right arrow again to select the normal alarm display.
You can write macro variables to the RS-232 port or a floppy by pressing LIST PROG first, to get F@ and F3 listed at the bottom of page, then select CURNT COMDS macro variable display page (press PAGE DOWN in Current Commands). You can also load macro variables back in the same way.
The coolant pump can be turned on or off manually any time while a program is running. This will override what the program commands until the program commands "on" or "off." This also applies to manual operation of the chip conveyor.
The spigot position can also be changed manually while a program is running. This will override what the program commands until another spigot position is commanded (H code is programmed or coolant is turned on with an M08).
The jogging feedrates of 100, 10, 1.0 and 0.1 inches per minute can be adjusted by using the FEEDRATE OVERRIDE buttons. This gives an additional 10% to 200% manual feedrate adjustment control.
You can stop or start the spindle (using the OVERRIDE buttons) any time you are at a single-block stop or a feed hold condition. When the program starts again, the spindle will be restored to the state commanded in the program.
When tapping (Mill G84, G78, G184, G174; Lathe G84, G184), you do not need to turn the spindle on with M03 or M04. The control starts the spindle prior to each cycle and it will, in fact, be faster if you do not turn on the spindle, as the control must stop the spindle to get the speed and feed working together for tapping.
The action taken by the control when the operator presses RESET, is controlled by several settings. These are: Setting 31, to reset the program pointer to the start of the program; Setting 56, to reset to default G codes; and Setting 88, to reset overrides to 100%.
The Haas control will turn itself off according to the following settings: Setting 1, to turn itself off after the machine is idle for nn minutes; and Setting 2, to turn off when an M30 is executed. In addition, for safety reasons, the control will turn itself off if an overvoltage or overheat condition is detected for longer than four minutes.
There are so many settings which give the user powerful command over this control that users should read the entire "Settings" section of the operator's manual to get an idea of what is possible.
You can send any axis to Home in rapid by typing the axis letter (Z,Y,X or A) and then pressing HOME/G28.
It is possible to control a Haas rotary table using the serial port and macros from our control or ANY Fanuc-compatible control. An example set of macros is available from the Haas Applications department.
If you are having occasional errors when using RS-232 communications, X-modem is a standard communications mode which is much more reliable when a few errors occur. Our control supports this, as do almost all software communication packages for PCs.
A tool overload condition, as defined by the Tool Load Monitor display (CURNT COMDS, Page Down), will result in one of four actions, defined by Setting 84. ALARM will generate an alarm when overload occurs; FEEDHOLD will cause a feed hold when overload occurs; BEEP will sound an audible alarm; or AUTOFEED will automatically increase or decrease the feedrate.
Setting 85, Max Corner Rounding, is set to the accuracy required by the user, the machine can be programmed at any feedrate up to the maximum without the errors ever getting above that setting. The control will ONLY slow at corners WHEN IT IS NEEDED. Even if this is a relatively small number (0.002 inch), it only slows the motion a little at blends.
The feedrate that is entered in your program can be misinterpreted if you do not use a decimal point. However, Setting 77 can be used to change how the control interprets the feedrate when no decimal point is entered. The values in this setting specify either the (Fanuc) default, integer values, or placing the decimal in a particular position (DEFAULT, INTEGER, .1, .01, .001 OR .0001). Default (Fanuc) is the same as selecting .0001.
COURTESY : www.hasscnc.com
Monday, July 28, 2008

How to Wire a Network
Twisted Pair Cabling
Twisted-pair (sometimes known as 10BaseT) is ideal for small, medium, or large networks that need flexibility and the capacity to expand as the number of network users grows.
We highly recommend using 10BaseT cabling for its amazing flexibility and reliability.
In a twisted-pair network, computers are arranged in a star pattern. Each PC has a twisted-pair cable that runs to a centralized hub. Twisted-pair is generally more reliable than thin coax networks because the hub is capable of correcting data errors and improving the network's overall transmission speed and reliability. Also known as uplinking, hubs can be chained together for even greater expansion
There are different grades, or categories, of twisted-pair cabling. Category 5 is the most reliable and widely compatible, and is highly recommended. It runs easily with 10Mbps networks, and is required for Fast Ethernet. You can buy Category 5 cabling that is pre-made, or you can cut & crimp your own.
Category 5 cables can be purchased or crimped as either straight-through or crossed. A Category 5 cable has 8 thin, color-coded wires inside that run from one end of the cable to the other. Only wires 1, 2, 3, and 6 are used by Ethernet networks for communication. Although only four wires are used, if the cable has 8 wires, all the wires have to be connected in both jacks.
Straight-through cables are used for connecting computers to a hub. Crossed cables are used for connecting a hub to another hub (there is an exception: some hubs have a built-in uplink port that is crossed internally, which allows you to uplink hubs together with a straight cable instead).
In a straight-through cable, wires 1, 2, 3, and 6 at one end of the cable are also wires 1, 2, 3, and 6 at the other end. In a crossed cable, the order of the wires change from one end to the other: wire 1 becomes 3, and 2 becomes 6.
To figure out which wire is wire number 1, hold the cable so that the end of the plastic RJ-45 tip (the part that goes into a wall jack first) is facing away from you. Flip the clip so that the copper side faces up (the springy clip will now be parallel to the floor). When looking down on the coppers, wire 1 will be on the far left.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Full list of G codes
G codes simple definition
G00 Rapid traverse
G01 Linear interpolation with feedrate
G02 Circular interpolation (clockwise)
G03 Circular interpolation (counter clockwise)
G2/G3 Helical interpolation
G04 Dwell time in milliseconds
G05 Spline definition
G06 Spline interpolation
G07 Tangential circular interpolation / Helix interpolation / Polygon interpolation / Feedrate interpolation
G08 Ramping function at block transition / Look ahead "off"
G09 No ramping function at block transition / Look ahead "on"
G10 Stop dynamic block preprocessing
G11 Stop interpolation during block preprocessing
G12 Circular interpolation (cw) with radius
G13 Circular interpolation (ccw) with radius
G14 Polar coordinate programming, absolute
G15 Polar coordinate programming, relative
G16 Definition of the pole point of the polar coordinate system
G17 Selection of the X, Y plane
G18 Selection of the Z, X plane
G19 Selection of the Y, Z plane
G20 Selection of a freely definable plane
G21 Parallel axes "on"
G22 Parallel axes "off"
G24 Safe zone programming; lower limit values
G25 Safe zone programming; upper limit values
G26 Safe zone programming "off"
G27 Safe zone programming "on"
G33 Thread cutting with constant pitch
G34 Thread cutting with dynamic pitch
G35 Oscillation configuration
G38 Mirror imaging "on"
G39 Mirror imaging "off"
G40 Path compensations "off"
G41 Path compensation left of the work piece contour
G42 Path compensation right of the work piece contour
G43 Path compensation left of the work piece contour with altered approach
G44 Path compensation right of the work piece contour with altered approach
G50 Scaling
G51 Part rotation; programming in degrees
G52 Part rotation; programming in radians
G53 Zero offset off
G54 Zero offset #1
G55 Zero offset #2
G56 Zero offset #3
G57 Zero offset #4
G58 Zero offset #5
G59 Zero offset #6
G63 Feed / spindle override not active
G66 Feed / spindle override active
G70 Inch format active
G71 Metric format active
G72 Interpolation with precision stop "off"
G73 Interpolation with precision stop "on"
G74 Move to home position
G75 Curvature function activation
G76 Curvature acceleration limit
G78 Normalcy function "on" (rotational axis orientation)
G79 Normalcy function "off"
G80 - G89 for milling applications:
G80 Canned cycle "off"
G81 Drilling to final depth canned cycle
G82 Spot facing with dwell time canned cycle
G83 Deep hole drilling canned cycle
G84 Tapping or Thread cutting with balanced chuck canned cycle
G85 Reaming canned cycle
G86 Boring canned cycle
G87 Reaming with measuring stop canned cycle
G88 Boring with spindle stop canned cycle
G89 Boring with intermediate stop canned cycle
G81 - G88 for cylindrical grinding applications:
G81 Reciprocation without plunge
G82 Incremental face grinding
G83 Incremental plunge grinding
G84 Multi-pass face grinding
G85 Multi-pass diameter grinding
G86 Shoulder grinding
G87 Shoulder grinding with face plunge
G88 Shoulder grinding with diameter plunge
G90 Absolute programming
G91 Incremental programming
G92 Position preset
G93 Constant tool circumference velocity "on" (grinding wheel)
G94 Feed in mm / min (or inch / min)
G95 Feed per revolution (mm / rev or inch / rev)
G96 Constant cutting speed "on"
G97 Constant cutting speed "off"
G98 Positioning axis signal to PLC
G99 Axis offset
G100 Polar transformation "off"
G101 Polar transformation "on"
G102 Cylinder barrel transformation "on"; cartesian coordinate system
G103 Cylinder barrel transformation "on," with real-time-radius compensation (RRC)
G104 Cylinder barrel transformation with center line migration (CLM) and RRC
G105 Polar transformation "on" with polar axis selections
G106 Cylinder barrel transformation "on" polar-/cylinder-coordinates
G107 Cylinder barrel transformation "on" polar-/cylinder-coordinates with RRC
G108 Cylinder barrel transformation polar-/cylinder-coordinates with CLM and RRC
G109 Axis transformation programming of the tool depth
G110 Power control axis selection/channel 1
G111 Power control pre-selection V1, F1, T1/channel 1 (Voltage, Frequency, Time)
G112 Power control pre-selection V2, F2, T2/channel 1
G113 Power control pre-selection V3, F3, T3/channel 1
G114 Power control pre-selection T4/channel 1
G115 Power control pre-selection T5/channel 1
G116 Power control pre-selection T6/pulsing output
G117 Power control pre-selection T7/pulsing output
G120 Axis transformation; orientation changing of the linear interpolation rotary axis
G121 Axis transformation; orientation change in a plane
G125 Electronic gear box; plain teeth
G126 Electronic gear box; helical gearing, axial
G127 Electronic gear box; helical gearing, tangential
G128 Electronic gear box; helical gearing, diagonal
G130 Axis transformation; programming of the type of the orientation change
G131 Axis transformation; programming of the type of the orientation change
G132 Axis transformation; programming of the type of the orientation change
G133 Zero lag thread cutting "on"
G134 Zero lag thread cutting "off"
G140 Axis transformation; orientation designation work piece fixed coordinates
G141 Axis transformation; orientation designation active coordinates
G160 ART activation
G161 ART learning function for velocity factors "on"
G162 ART learning function deactivation
G163 ART learning function for acceleration factors
G164 ART learning function for acceleration changing
G165 Command filter "on"
G166 Command filter "off"
G170 Digital measuring signals; block transfer with hard stop
G171 Digital measuring signals; block transfer without hard stop
G172 Digital measuring signals; block transfer with smooth stop
G175 SERCOS-identification number "write"
G176 SERCOS-identification number "read"
G180 Axis transformation "off"
G181 Axis transformation "on" with not rotated coordinate system
G182 Axis transformation "on" with rotated / displaced coordinate system
G183 Axis transformation; definition of the coordinate system
G184 Axis transformation; programming tool dimensions
G186 Look ahead; corner acceleration; circle tolerance
G188 Activation of the positioning axes
G190 Diameter programming deactivation
G191 Diameter programming "on" and display of the contact point
G192 Diameter programming; only display contact point diameter
G193 Diameter programming; only display contact point actual axes center point
G200 Corner smoothing "off"
G201 Corner smoothing "on" with defined radius
G202 Corner smoothing "on" with defined corner tolerance
G203 Corner smoothing with defined radius up to maximum tolerance
G210 Power control axis selection/Channel 2
G211 Power control pre-selection V1, F1, T1/Channel 2
G212 Power control pre-selection V2, F2, T2/Channel 2
G213 Power control pre-selection V3, F3, T3/Channel 2
G214 Power control pre-selection T4/Channel 2
G215 Power control pre-selection T5/Channel 2
G216 Power control pre-selection T6/pulsing output/Channel 2
G217 Power control pre-selection T7/pulsing output/Channel 2
G220 Angled wheel transformation "off"
G221 Angled wheel transformation "on"
G222 Angled wheel transformation "on" but angled wheel moves before others
G223 Angled wheel transformation "on" but angled wheel moves after others
G265 Distance regulation – axis selection
G270 Turning finishing cycle
G271 Stock removal in turning
G272 Stock removal in facing
G274 Peck finishing cycle
G275 Outer diameter / internal diameter turning cycle
G276 Multiple pass threading cycle
G310 Power control axes selection /channel 3
G311 Power control pre-selection V1, F1, T1/channel 3
G312 Power control pre-selection V2, F2, T2/channel 3
G313 Power control pre-selection V3, F3, T3/channel 3
G314 Power control pre-selection T4/channel 3
G315 Power control pre-selection T5/channel 3
G316 Power control pre-selection T6/pulsing output/Channel 3
G317 Power control pre-selection T7/pulsing output/Channel 3
Note that some of the above G-codes are not standard. Specific control features, such as laser power control, enable those optional codes.
Courtesy : http://www.machinemate.com
Common M codes (Lathe & Milling)
M00 - Program Stop
M01 - Optional Stop
M02 - Program End
M03 - Spindle Clockwise
M04 - Spindle Counter Clockwise
M05 - Spindle Stop
M06 - Tool Change
M07 - Thru Spindle Coolant ON
M08 - Flood Coolant ON
M09 - Coolant Off (all coolant)
M10 - Table Pallet Clamp
M11 - Table Pallet Unclamp
M12 - Shower Coolant On
M14 - Spindle Air Blow On
M15 - Spindle Air Blow Off
M16 - Air Blast / Tool Changer
M18 - Air Blast Off
M19 - Spindle Orientation
M29 - Rigid Tapping
M30 - End Program
M60 - Pallet Change
M61 - Load Pallet #1
M62 - Load Pallet #2
M98 - Sub Program Call
M99 - Sub Program Cancel
M00 - Program Stop
M01 - Optional Program Stop
M02 - Program End
M03 - Spindle Clockwise
M04 - Spindle Counter Clockwise
M05 - Spindle Stop
M07 - Flood Coolant #1 On
M08 - Flood Coolant #2 On
M09 - Coolant Off
M30 - End Progarm
M98 - Sub Program Call
M99 - Sub Program Cance
G code for Lathe (General)
G01 - Feedrate Positioning
G02 - Arc Clockwise
G03 - Arc Counterclockwise
G04 - Dwell
G07 - Feedrate Sine Curve Control
G10 - Data Setting
G11 - Data Setting Cancel
G17 - X - Y Plane
G18 - X - Z Plane
G19 - Y - Z Plane
G20 - Inch Units
G21 - Metric Units
G22 - Stored Stroke Check ON
G23 - Stored Stroke Check OFF
G27 - Reference Point Return Check
G28 - Automatic Zero Return
G29 - Return from Zero Position
G30 - 2nd Reference Point Return
G31 - Skip Function
G32 - Thread Cutting
G36 - Automatic Tool Compensation
G40 - Tool Compensation Cancel
G41 - Tool Compensation Left
G42 - Tool Compensation Right
G46 - Automatic Tool Compensation
G50 - Coordinate System Setting
G52 - Local Coordinate System Setting
G53 - Machine Coordinate System Setting
G54 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #1
G55 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #2
G56 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #3
G57 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #4
G58 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #5
G59 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #6
G61 - Exact Stop Check Mode
G62 - Automatic Corner Override
G63 - Tapping Mode
G64 - Cutting Mode
G65 - User Macro Call
G66 - User Macro Call (Modal)
G67 - User Macro Call Cancel (Modal)
G70 - Finishing Cycle
G71 - Turning Cycle
G72 - Facing Cycle
G73 - Pattern Repeat
G74 - Drilling Cycle
G75 - Grooving Cycle
G76 - Threading Cycle
G80 - Canned Cycle Cancel
G83 - Face Drilling Cycle
G84 - Face Tapping Cycle
G86 - Face Boring Cycle
G90 - Absolute Positioning
G91 - Incremental Positioning
G92 - OD Thread Cutting Cycle
G94 - Face Turning Cycle
G96 - Constant Speed Control
G97 - Constant Speed Control Cancel
G98 - Feedrate Per Time
G99 - Feedrate Per Revolution
G107 - Cylindrical Interpolation
G112 - Polar Coordinate Interpolation
G113 - Polar Coordinate Interpolation Cancel
G Code for milling (General)
G00 - Rapid Positioning
G01 - Feedrate Positioning
G02 - Arc Clockwise
G03 - Arc Counterclockwise
G04 - Dwell
G05 - High Speed Machining
G07 - Imanaginary Axis Designation
G09 - Exact Stop Check
G10 - Program Parameter Input
G11 - Program Peramater Input Cancel
G12 - Circle Cutting CW
G13 - Circle Cutting CCW
G17 - X - Y Plane
G18 - X - Z Plane
G19 - Y - Z Plane
G20 - Input in Inch Units
G21 - Input in Metric
G22 - Stored Stroke Limit ON
G23 - stored Stroke Limit OFF
G27 - Reference Point Return Check
G28 - Automatic Return to Reference Point
G29 - Automatic Return from Reference Point
G30 - Return to 2nd, 3rd or 4th Reference Point
G31 - Skip Function
G33 - Thread Cutting
G34 - Bolt Hole Circle (Canned Cycle)
G35 - Line at Angle (Canned Cycle)
G36 - Arc (Canned Cycle)
G40 - Cutter Compensation Cancel
G41 - Cutter Compensation Left
G42 - Cutter Compensation Right
G43 - Tool Length Compensation (Plus)
G44 - Tool Length Compensation (Minus)
G45 - Tool Offset Increase
G46 - Tool Offset Decrease
G49 - Tool Length Compensation Cancel
G50 - Scaling OFF
G51 - Scaling ON
G52 - Local Coordinate Setting
G53 - Machine Coordinate Setting
G54 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #1
G55 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #2
G56 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #3
G57 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #4
G58 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #5
G59 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #6
G60 - Single Direction Positioning
G62 - Automatic Corner Override
G63 - Tapping Mode
G64 - Cutting Mode
G65 - Custom Macro Call (Simple)
G66 - Custom Macro Call (Modal)
G67 - Custom Macro Call Cancel (Modal)
G68 - Coordinate System Rotation ON
G69 - Coordinate System Rotation OFF
G70 - Input in Inch Units
G73 - High Speed Peck Drilling Cycle
G74 - Left Hand Tapping Cycle
G76 - Fine Boring Cycle
G80 - Canned Cycle Cancel
G81 - Drilling Cycle (Canned)
G82 - Counter Boring Cycle (Canned)
G83 - Peck Drilling Cycle (Canned)
G84 - Right Hand Tapping Cycle (Canned)
G85 - Boring Cycle (Canned)
G87 - Back Boring Cycle (Canned)
G90 - Absolute Positioning
G91 - Incremental Positioning
G92 - Reposition Origin Point
G94 - Feed Per Minute
G95 - Feed Per Revolution
G96 - Constant Surface Speed Control
G97 - Constant Surface Speed Control Cancel
G98 - Set Initial Plane (Default)
G99 - Return to Rapid Plane
Friday, July 11, 2008
FHSS Vs. DSSS Comparision
Some wireless local-area network products, such as Raytheon's RaylinkTM products, use
the frequency hopping method of spreading their signals. The range of available frequencies in
the ISM2 (Industrial Scientific Medical) band of 2.400 - 2.483 GHz is divided into a series of
1MHz channels up to 79 separate and distinct channels. Transmissions are sent over each of
these channels in what appears to be a random sequence (called a “pseudo-random sequence”)
such as channel 1, channel 32, channel 3, channel 56, etc. The radio switches frequencies many
times a second, transmitting on each channel for a fixed amount of time, then proceeding on to
the next channel in its sequence, covering all of the channels before repeating the sequence.
Without knowing how long to stay on each channel (the “dwell time”) and what the hopping
pattern is, it is impossible for a non-participating station to receive and decipher the data.
The frequency hopping physical layer has 22 hop patterns to chose from. The frequency
hopping physical layer is required to hop across the 2.4GHz ISM band covering 79 channels.
Each channel occupies 1Mhz of bandwidth and must hop at the minimum rate specified by the
regulatory bodies of the intended country. A minimum hop rate of 2.5 hops per second is
specified for the United States.
The use of different hopping patterns, dwell times, and/or number of channels is what
allows two disjoint wireless LANs to exist nearby one-another without causing interference and
without fear of data from one network being seen by the other.
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Technique
The DSSS physical layer uses an 11-bit Barker Sequence to spread the data before it is
transmitted. Each bit transmitted is modulated by the 11-bit sequence. This process spreads the
RF energy across a wider bandwidth than would be required to transmit the raw data. The
processing gain of the system is defined as 10x the log of the ratio of spreading rate (also know
as the chip rate) to the data. The receiver despreads the RF input to recover the original data. The
advantage of this technique is that it reduces the effect of narrowband sources of interference.
This sequence provides 10dB of processing gain that meets the minimum requirements for the
rules set forth by the FCC. The spreading architecture used in the direct sequence physical layer
is not to be confused with CDMA. All 802.11 compliant products utilize the same PN code and
therefore do not have a set of codes available as is required for CDMA operation.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Check that you are using the correct type of handshake
Refer to your CNC's manual for further information.
Windows95/98 FIFO problem
If you are running the server on Windows95 or Windows98, and software handshaking is enabled, the server might not respond to and XOff request in time, and therefore overflow the CNC.
Go to Settings / Control Panel / System / Device manager / Ports / Com1 (Com2 etc) / Port settings / Advanced , and set the receive and transmit buffers to low (1).
Test handshake
If possible, try turning the feed rate down to zero on the CNC. This should eventually stop all transmission until the feedrate is turned up again. If it does not, then the handshaking is not working properly.
Handshake problem
Check that you are using the correct handshake method. If hardware handshake is not enabled, try selecting Set RTS High and/or Set DTR High in the serial port configuration dialog.
Some machines use non-standard software handshake characters. If this is the case change the XOn character / XOff character in the serial port configuration dialog.
For further information, please refer to Serial port.
The CNC needs a transmission start character
Some machines need a specific character before it starts to store a file. Check the machine manual. Many machines need a % at the top of the program, some need nulls (blank tape), others need an end of block code (cr/lf).
If this is the case, you should specify this in the Start of feed configuration dialog.
For further information, please refer to Start of feed.
Cycle start problem
Many machines require that the program to be sent to them as soon as the cycle start button is pressed. Select transmit program at the DNC before pressing cycle start. This requires the PC to start sending when it either sees the handshake line going high (for hardware handshaking) or when it receives an XOn (for software handshaking).
If software handshaking is used then try enabling Wait for XOn in the port transmit settings.
For further information, please refer to Transmit.
End of feed problem
Some machines need a specific character to see the end of file. Check the machine manual. Many machines need a '%' at the end of the file, some need a special control code character like ASCII 0, CTRL-C (ASCII 3) or CTRL-Z (ASCII 26).
If this is the case, you should specify this in the End of feed configuration dialog.
For further information, please refer to End of feed.
Check your cable
Check that your cable is wired correctly.
For information on how to wire a standard serial cable, please refer to Serial communication overview.
Some machines requires a special non-standard serial cable, for further information, please refer to the reference manual for your CNC.
Remember to verify that the RTS/CTS and DTR/DSR hardware handshake signals are correct.
Try another serial port
Try using another serial port, in case you have a defective serial port.
Perform a loopback test
To check that the cable is wired correctly, and that the port is working, you should perform a loopback test.
For further information, please refer to How to perform a loopback test.
RS 232 Settings for CNC Machines
Parameter Value Comments
0002 00000001
0552 10 Baud rate: 4800*
TV CHECK 0 0: Off; 1: On
Punch code 0 0:ISO; 1:EIA
Input device 0 RS232C
Parameter Value Comments
0000 00000010
0020 0
0100 Fanuc 0 series - 00100000, others - 0
0101 10000001
0102 0
0103 10 Baud rate: 4800*
TV CHECK 0 0: Off; 1: On
Punch code 0 0:ISO; 1:EIA
Input device 0 RS232C
Parameter Value Comments
5001 1
5002 2
5003 3
5110 4
5111 2
5112 10 Baud rate: 4800*
5120 4
5121 2
5122 10 Baud rate: 4800*
5130 4
5131 2
5132 10 Baud rate: 4800*
TV CHECK 0 0:Off; 1:On
Punch code 0 0:ISO; 1:EIA
Input device 1 RS232C
Output device 1 RS232C
Parameter Value Comments
311 00011001 Baud rate: 4800*
340 2
341 2
TV CHECK 0 0: Off; 1: On
Punch code 0 0:ISO; 1:EIA
Input unit 0 RS232C
Input device 1 1
Input device 2 1
Parameter Value Comments
0000 00000010
0020 0
0100 Fanuc 0 series - 00100000, others - 0
0101 10000001
0102 0
0103 10 Baud rate: 4800*
TV CHECK 0 0: Off; 1: On
Punch code 0 0:ISO; 1:EIA
Input device 0 RS232C
Parameter Value Comments
0000 00000010
0020 0
0100 Fanuc 0 series - 00100000, others - 0
0101 10000001
0102 0
0103 10 Baud rate: 4800*
TV CHECK 0 0: Off; 1: On
Punch code 0 0:ISO; 1:EIA
Input device 0 RS232C
Parameter Value
Device RTS/CTS
Protocol RTS/CTS (Hardware)
Baud rate 4800
Stop bits 2
Parity Even
Bit/Character 7
Xon Character 0
Xoff character 0
Start with XON N
Confirm Over write N
Block end W/CRLF Y
Stop with EOF Y
Evaluate DSR N
Leader/ Trailer N
Time out N
Punch tape format Y
Parameter Value
Serial 1
Device Standard/WS800A
Device type Universal
Protocol RTS/CTS (Hardware)
Baud rate 4800
Stop bits 2
Parity Even
Bit/Character 7
Xon Character 11
Xoff character 13
EOT 03
Leader No
Ready No
Time out in Sec. 60
Format Punch tape format
Parameter Value Comments
411 11101110 Baud rate: 4800*
412 11101110 Baud rate: 4800*
416 1xxxxxx1 where x: 0 or 1
TNC 150
MP92: 1(multi function)
MP71: 3(character for program start and end)
Baud rate: 2400
TNC 155
MP232: 0 (data transfer mode)
MP71: 515 (character for program start and end)
MP222: 104 (data format)
TNC 415B
MP 5200.1: 2 (External device)
MP 5201.1: 3 (External device)
MP 5020.1: 104
MP 5030.1: 0